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Is height related to longevity?


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Lots of research has also found that the short people live less than the long people. That means you can say that there is negative correlation among the long and short height people.

Now that question is how long do short people live ? Several researchers found that short people have less cells, they also found that short people diet is less than tall people, and organ damage is early recover. These are the things that make short people life spans longer.
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Birçok çalışma, boy ve uzun ömür arasında bir ilişki bulmuştur. Kısa boylu insanların kanser gibi bazı hastalıklara karşı dirençli oldukları ve daha uzun yaşadıkları bulunmuştur.
The relationship between height and longevity is a topic of scientific investigation, and findings have been somewhat mixed. Some studies suggest a correlation between taller stature and increased longevity, while others indicate that shorter individuals may actually live longer.

One potential explanation for the association between taller height and longevity is that taller people tend to have larger organs and body mass, which could confer physiological advantages and resilience against certain diseases. Additionally, genetic factors that contribute to height may also influence overall health and longevity.

However, it's important to note that height is just one factor among many that can influence lifespan, including genetics, lifestyle factors (such as diet, exercise, and smoking habits), socioeconomic status, and access to healthcare. Therefore, while there may be some correlation between height and longevity in certain populations, it's not a definitive determinant, and individual variations are considerable.
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